Why SMS Isn’t as Bad as You Think

If you operate a US Repair Station with an EASA Certificate, no doubt you’ve heard about the new special condition in the forthcoming Maintenance Annex Guidance (MAG) that requires you to establish, implement, and maintain a Safety Management System (SMS). As frustrating as this may be, at least US Repair Stations can rely on the FAA Voluntary SMS Program as an acceptable of compliance. The deadline for implementation is December 31, 2025, so we assume (hope) that you’ve begun the transition already!

Silver Lining for Small Businesses

For small and medium-sized businesses that comprise 85% of all Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) activity within the United States (and 80% worldwide) based on industry data, this can seem like an overwhelming burden. We believe this requirement has a silver lining, especially for small businesses like yours. Let’s look on the bright side:

You Already Have an SMS System

The EASA special requirements, especially as they relate to internal audits and annual management review, have prepared you for the essentials of SMS. Not only should it be relatively easy for small companies to implement these elements into a SMS “paired down” for a smaller organization, but a managed SMS system like the one offered by the AEA, allows for the elimination of burdensome paperwork you’re already required to maintain.

Reduce Paperwork with SMS

When you utilize a 3 rd -party Safety Management System, many of the reporting duties required for internal corrective actions, audits, process changes, and regulatory evaluations can be incorporated electronically, removing manual steps. For one client, we identified 10 controlled forms to eliminate from their Forms Manual. This means eliminating the need to print, complete, sign, scan, or store these paper forms or manually report progress, resulting in substantial time savings. Several other form instructions were modified to utilize the SMS which tracks progress and records results electronically.

These electronic systems also allow you to assign duties internally, without the need to send an email or pick up the phone. Deadline reminders and follow-up requests are automated. Managers are notified of progress immediately and records are stored automatically. Think of it like an ERP for your Quality System! The time savings for key personnel can easily pay for the software and implementation costs within the first year.

Implement SMS Into Repair Station Manuals

The key to cost and time savings is successfully implementing SMS into processes outlined in your FAA Repair Station, Quality System, and Forms Manuals, in addition to EASA and UK Manual Supplements. The SMS program manual, likely controlled, updated, and revised by your 3 rd party SMS program manager, serves as a reference point. You must revise Repair Station procedures to point to the SMS system, when applicable and appropriate, and then train personnel on those procedures.

Tym’s Can Help

The experts at Tym’s can assist with tackling your SMS implementation project in a way that saves time and money in your organization. Rather than submitting to this requirement as another regulatory burden, allow it to fuel the need to modernize your processes and more efficiently manage your FAA and EASA quality system requirements. Start now by reaching out for a no-obligation consultation: https://tymsllc.com/request-