
Avoiding DOT Function Specific Training Pitfalls

Function Specific Training Requirements Department of Transportation (DOT) training is required in accordance with Subpart H of 49 CFR Part 172. Function Specific training is referenced specifically in § 172.704(a)(2)(i), which clearly states that anyone who performs a regulated function must be trained on the specifics of the Hazardous Materials Regulations, as it relates to […]

Tym’s Solution Saves Company $83,000 per Training Cycle 

Problem Tym’s recently assisted a Department of Transportation (DOT) regulated facility that uses 59 different Special Permits (SP) in 5 different job functions. The company struggled with training compliance based on the complexity that the sheer number of documents and job functions presented. The financial burden of wages paid for training and lost productivity from […]

Once simple DOT requests are now a regulatory trap

Tym’s recently sent a letter to the leadership of DOT PHMSA regarding the process of evaluating party status applications for DOT Special Permits. Not long ago, this was a simple administrative procedure by the agency. It was quick, painless, and included reasonable actions to demonstrate compliance related to the specific request. The same was true […]

DOT-SP 21774 Issued, But Has Issues

On August 5, 2024 the Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) granted Tym’s LLC request for emergency special permit (SP) andissued DOT-SP 21774. We are happy to announce that the Tym’s Special Permit will be an effective solution for the entire aviation industry because PHMSA granted the SP with “Party Status.” […]

Letter to Industry: Most Aircraft Fire Extinguishers are Illegal to Ship

Our open letter to industry explains the situation in detail and presents facts surrounding the issue. We also included a call to action to industry trade associations, aircraft owner/ operators, (including all major US airlines), and repair stations to pressure the DOT and FAA to offer a reprieve to those who apply for Party Status.

No 8130-3 Triple Release

For the first time, many US Repair Stations certified by the FAA and EASA will have a third regulatory agency certification: the UK CAA. Those of us in the USA cannot provide a triple maintenance release with FAA-UK-EU approval but foreign Repair Stations can. This will result in confusion and tough conversations with customers. We have a simple solution